Barney (aka. Bron)

The love of our life! Special relationship between us. ❤️

So smart, concentrated, obedient, self confident and balanced dog. Barney is our teacher and we learned from him so much and also he is a teacher of young and inexperienced dogs. Our main and best leader that will guide us were ever we wish to go. When he runs, nothing around him interests him. He loves to run fast… He is very strong and hardworking dog.

Loves to cuddle and scratch on his back. He loves to sleep in bed on his back. He loves to play – in his 9 years he still behaves like a puppy. Barney steals slippers so be careful 😉 And he loves food tooo much! Especialy meat treats and pigs ear.

He knows how to give you a kiss! Do you want one… or hundred? 😘